The first edition of One loft Challenge is over and as every year it will proceed to carry out the auctions of the champion pigeons.
This year we have a novelty because we have reached a collaboration agreement with GPLoft, a major company in Portugal specialized in auctions and pigeon transfer.
We ask all classified participants to submit the pedigrees of the pigeons urgently for the start of the auction.
The photographs of the pigeons are being taken and in a short time they will be finished starting the auction at the end of April with a duration of 6 days.
We recommend accessing and registering the auctions page.

The first edition of One loft Challenge is over and as every year the auction of the champion pigeons will proceed.
This year we have a novelty because we have reached a collaboration agreement with GPLoft, a major company in Portugal specialized in auctioning and transporting pigeons.
We ask all classified the participants to send the pedigrees of the pigeons urgently for the beginning of the auction.
The photographs of the pigeons are being made and in a short time they will be finished giving the beginning of the auction at the end of April with a duration of 6 days.
We recommend accessing the auction page and register with it.

La premi're édition du One Loft Challenge est terminée et, comme chaque année, la vente aux ench'res des pigeons champions aura lieu.
Cette année, nous avons une nouveauté car nous avons conclu un accord de collaboration avec GPLoft, une grande entreprise portugaise spécialisée dans la vente aux ench.res et le transport de pigeons.
Nous demandons ' tous les participants classés d'envoyer les pedigrees des pigeons pour le début de la vente aux enchéres.
Les photographies des pigeons sont en cours de réalisation. Elles seront bient't terminées et donneront le début de la vente aux enchéres é la fin du mois d'avril, pour une durée de 6 jours.
Nous vous recommandons d'accéder ' la page de vente aux ench'res et de vous inscrire avec elle.