Race Rules

  1. The pigeons that will participate will be ringed exclusively and exclusively, with rings officially recognized from 2019. If they are not available, please contact the organizers. Only Australia and New Zealand can ship in 2018 due to ring assignment dates. 
  2. Entry means that a team has paid the corresponding fee to participate in this great race. 
  3. There is no pigeon limit per participant in multiples of 5 or in special agreement with the organization before entering. 
  4. Once the pigeons have been assigned to one team, they cannot be transferred to another team, only if no payment has been made and the organization has the right to sell to third parties or withdraw from the race or qualify as disqualified (DQ for non-payment) 
  5. If you do not define your computer, it will be assigned automatically. 
  6. One Loft Challenge reserves admission rights. 
  7. Pigeons or equipment that have not been paid the participant will lose all rights to continue in the race and the pigeons or equipment will be auctioned or sold by the organization, without the right to receive money by the participant who sent them. 
  8. The start date is set in the Race Plan and can be changed if the organization considers that the birds are not sufficiently prepared or if we have a delay of the last shipment. The last shipment is on the Kassel Germany show, the organization will publicly notify you of any changes in dates. 
  9. The organization may modify the bases of the competition at any time by making it public on the day of the change. 
  10. The official rules are those written in Spanish and translated into French from Spanish, any dispute will be resolved in the corresponding courts. 
  11. In the event that you participate in the ONE LOFT CHALLENGE modality and you cannot send pigeons from one installation to the other due to health barriers, customs barriers, time problems or any type of problem that makes it impossible to move between Continents and Countries and participate in some of the races, the corresponding prizes will be adjusted in the proportion affected by force majeure events. 
  12. To participate in this race it is understood that these rules are accepted 
  13. At the same time with pigeons registered by clubs, the Interclub can be held with additional prizes that are specified in the rules for the Inter club Championship 

Fee and payments 

  1. SPECIAL CHALLENGE 2019-2020: 6 activated chicks+4 reserve s 500o. 
    • Gran Canaria OLR 3 activated + 2 Booking 
    • Tarfaya – Morocco OLR 3 activated + 2 Booking  
    • TOTAL 10 chicks 
  2. INDIVIDUAL RACE TO GRAN CANARIA OLR OR TO TARFAYA-MOROCCO OLR, the entry price of a team is 500 euros, a team consisting of 5 activated pigeons + 3 reserve pigeons. 
  3. The individual price of the pigeons is 130 euros each to participate and to activate the reserves and venture pigeons or to sponsor or sponsor before the first training release. 
  4. Transportation to the Loft is paid for by the participants, and from Gran Canaria to Tarfaya it is 10o for pigeons 
  5. A pigeon can only participate if the organization receives full payment directly to TMOLR prior to sending it. 
  6. Pigeons must be paid when sent to ONE LOFT CHALLENGE. The bank transfer (copy) must be sent to the organization no later than 48 hours after the transaction. The participant’s name or team name must appear in the subject line of the transfer. 
  7. Please note that the check-in and check-in period for young chicks is from January 2019 until 31 October 2019. 
  8. The registration form must be emailed to olc@oneloftchallenge.com 

Odds and payments

“Canarias Club”

Entidad: “CAJAMAR”

Cuenta: 54 3058 6103 2127 2002 4250

IBAN: ES54 3058 6103 2127 2002 4250


( Solo para participantes de Marruecos )
Account number: 0478032526510112
RIB: 2254300478032526510112 43

Unpaid pigeons 

Pigeons that have not been paid for and activated before October 31, 2019 will become the property of the Organization that can do what it deems appropriate, withdraw them from the race or sell them to other participants who are interested. At the discretion of the organizers 


  1. It is recommended to vaccinate the pigeons 15 days before they are sent to the facility. By accepting these rules, you understand that, if your pigeon contracts paramyxovirus, this is not due to our strict quarantine procedure or the hospitalization of infected birds. 
  2. All pigeons are vaccinated upon arrival at the facility (GCOLR or TMOLR). 
  3. Once vaccinated, they will be quarantined to ensure that all birds heading to the loft have the same treatment and continuity, but also the same immunity of robustness. 
  4. On the premises there is an area called «Hospital». Any bird entering the hospital will be included in a public hospital listing. We won’t let the pigeon leave the hospital until it’s 100% health. Every pigeon that enters the hospital has the right to compete at any access point and end. 

Information and ringing of pigeons

  1. The pigeons will be labeled electronically. 
  2. Relevant data will be entered into a protected database. 
  3. Information on the aspects of the race will be announced through the web platform. 
  4. All participants will be informed if their pigeons have completed the races through the web platform. 

Sponsorship and Venture Purchase 

  1. The cost of sponsoring a pigeon is: 130 €
  2. After the survival race: 150€
  3. Before the final: 200 €

Pedigree Rules 

All pedigrees must have been sent to the organization up to a maximum of 7 days before the first HOTSPOT. If you have trouble preparing the pedigree you can contact the organization 

Shipping instructions 

  1. Coordinators have full control over shipments and dates. They also have the authority to reject anyone for the sake of the race or any pigeon for health reasons. 
  1. The registration form must be sent by email on the day of sending your pigeons. Or delivered to your coordinator to send. Complete a commercial invoice for customs purposes that clearly states: «no commercial value» 
  1. The health certificate/import permit, commercial invoice and registration form must be sent with your pigeons to the organization 
  1. Pigeons from Europe can be sent to the facilities of Gran Canaria One loft Race and the organization will take care of transport to the facilities of Tarfaya – Morocco OLR for 10€ each pigeon from Gran Canaria to Tarfaya. 

Shipping address 

Gramobel.SL – Gran Canaria One Loft Race Canarias

Zoological Center (Registered in the REGA): E-GC-006-20729

Reference number: ES35006002079

Address: Pasaje Galileo Nº49 El Cardonal, Arucas 35413, Las Palmas, Spain

Live training

  1. All pigeons will be checked before each Workout, HOTSPOT or end using their electronic ring and database, and then can be sung separated by sex. 
  2. All events will be broadcast live 

The Races 

  1. All activated and paid pigeons will compete in the races. 
  2. If the pigeons have not been paid before the trainings will be eliminated from the competition 
  3. Races will have proportional prizes in the prize table 
  4. If there is a tie in a paid position, the sum of the prizes will be split equally, if there is a trophy, an additional trophy will be handled. 
  5. All races will be displayed live and the correct list of the incessant will be delivered before the race. 
  6. Anyone is free to inspect the baskets before being sent to the release point 
  7. The distances and dates of the loose points can be modified for weather reasons or events outside the organization 

The Prize

  1. The total number of prizes in dispute is 225,000 € for the race of Gran Canaria OLR and 225,000 € for the OLR tarfaya race 
  2.  800 teams correspond to 225,000 €
  3. The prize money will be proportional to the percentage of tickets. The basis for calculating the percentage is 700 teams. 
  4.  700 teams maximum in each race – 100%. It corresponds to 125,000 € for each race 
  5.  350 teams in each race correspond to 62,500 €for each race 
  6. Super prize of 140,000 € It will be paid only with more than 800 registered teams activated and paid for for each race 


  1. Los pedigríes deben ser entregados antes del primer HOTSPOT. 
  2. La tasa de la subasta es del 25% y la tarifa de la fotografía de € 10. 
  3. Después de las deducciones de la tasa de la subasta y la fotografía el importe se repartirá a partes iguales entre el dueño y la organización 
  4. El trasporte corre a cargo del comprador. 

Payment of Prizes and Auctions 

  1. All prize winners and auctions of winning pigeons will be paid after the auction or left in the account for the following year. All the prize and auction money 
  2. After the competition and auction, the existing balance can be left for registration in the following year. If you wish to withdraw it, you must notify the administration to be transferred to your bank account. 

Prize Tables

  • More than 200 awards for the two Challenge races
  • Mega first prize for 140,000.00 € will be paid on more than 800 paid teams in each race 
  • With 700 teams activated and paid in each race, the first price is 40,000 € for each race 
  • Prizes are based on percentage of teams enrolled in each race 
  • More teams participate more prizes 
  • Fewer teams participate fewer prizes 
  • Total, prizes worth more than 225,000 € in each race 



Position Prize
1 Trophy + Diploma 
2 Trophy + Diploma 
3 Trophy + Diploma 

From the 1st to the 10th position you will receive a free entry or proportional to the reception of the pigeons for the next Series 19/20 if you participate with a team. Valued at 5,000.00 € in each race 


Position Prize
1 Car (6,000 €) + Trophy + Diploma 
2 2.000€ + Trophy + Diploma 
3 1.000€ + Trophy + Diploma 
4 500,00 € 
5 500,00 € 
6 500,00 € 
7 400,00 € 
8 300,00 € 
9 200,00 € 
10 100,00 € 
Total: 11.500,00 € 


Position Prize
1 Car (6,000 €) + Trophy + Diploma 
2 2.000€ + Trophy + Diploma 
3 1.000€ + Trophy + Diploma 
4 500,00 € 
5 500,00 € 
6 500,00 € 
7 400,00 € 
8 300,00 € 
9 200,00 € 
10 100,00 € 
Total: 11.500,00 € 


Position Prize
1 Car (6,000 €) + Trophy + Diploma 
2 2.000€ + Trophy + Diploma 
3 1.000€ + Trophy + Diploma 
4 500,00 € 
5 500,00 € 
6 500,00 € 
7 400,00 € 
8 300,00 € 
9 200,00 € 
10 100,00 € 
Total: 11.500,00 € 


Position Prize
1 40.000,00€ + Trophy + Diploma 
2 15.000,00€ + Trophy + Diploma 
3 7.000,00€ + Trophy + Diploma 
4 4.000,00 € 
5 1.000,00 € 
6 500,00 € 
7 500,00 € 
8 500,00 € 
9 500,00 € 
10 500,00 € 
11 300,00 € 
12 300,00 € 
13 300,00 € 
14 300,00 € 
15-20 300,00 € 
21-50 200,00 € 
Total: 78.500,00 € 

Final: If there are 800 Teams activated in each race, the first prize will be replaced by the Super First Prize of 140,000 € in each race 


N EACH RACE – 2,500.00 

From the 2nd to the 10th position you will receive a free entry or proportional to the reception of pigeons for the next Series 20/21 with participation with a team or proportion. Valued at 4,500.00 € in each race 

Prize Terms

  1. A minimum of 800 paid teams are required for the first Super First Prize final in each race 
  2. If the 800 activated teams are not reached, the first prize will go to 40,000 euros and pro rata over 700 teams in each race 


After the Final of 460 km from AGADIR – ESAGUIRA and once the first 50 pigeons have been withdrawn for auction, it can be activated for the great race of Great Distance from CASABLANCA being the prizes in relation to the collection for the race independently to the initial registration