The survival race was extremely hard for deflecting pigeons to Tenerife according to the news of fans who caught pigeons in Buenavista del Norte, in the northwestern tip of Tenerife, in front of the island of La Palma.
The pigeons made many miles and it is not advisable to give the race tomorrow, March 6.
By we suspend this race for the sake of pigeons and to meet the final date
Let's go to readjust the Hot spots, respecting the amount resulting from the calculation of the prizes.
The survival race was extremely hard due to the diversion of pigeons to Tenerife, according to news from fans who caught pigeons in Buenavista del Norte, in the northwest corner of Tenerife, in front of the island of La Palma.
The pigeons did many thousands and it is not advisable to give the race tomorrow March 6.
Therefore we suspend this race for the good of the pigeons and to meet the date of the final
we are going to readjust the Hots Spots, respecting the amount resulting from the calculation of the prizes.
The course de survie a été extrémement difficile en raison du détournement de pigeons vers Tenerife, selon les nouvelles des fans qui ont capturé des pigeons é Buenavista del Norte, dans le coin nord-ouest de Tenerife, en face de l'éle de La Palma.
Les pigeons ont parcouru de nombreux kilom'tres et il est déconseillé de faire la course demain, le 6 mars.
Nous suspendons donc cette course pour le bien des pigeons et pour respecter la date de la finale.
nous allons réajuster les Hots Spots, en respectant le montant résultant du calcul du prix.